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Local Groups to Fight Antisemitism
Please join our local groups to combat anti-semitism in your location. We must organize locally!
If You Don't Have Mandatory Holocaust Education, DEMAND IT!
If you live in the United States, only 23 states (Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas and Wisconsin) have mandatory education about the Holocaust.
You may want to read these articles:
Is it possible for a Jew to also be anti-Semitic? The case of Murray Rothbard
Rothbard was born to Jewish parents, David and Rae Rothbard, and raised in Bronx, New York. His own self-description was that he remained "A pro-Christian Jew who thinks that everything good in Western Civilization is traceable to Christianity".
Holocaust Awareness and Denial Levels Around the World
The largest region with antisemitic attitudes was the Middle East/North Africa, where 74% of those surveyed agreed with 6 of the 11 stereotypes. In Eastern Europe, 34% agreed with 6 of the 11 stereotypes.
How Zionism Saved Lives During the Holocaust
During the Holocaust Europe's Jews were cut off from and disowned by the outside world. Jews were systematically impoverished, starved and murdered. Where Jews did try to fight the Nazis, Zionists were prominent in the resistance.

Report Anti-Jewish Incidents
Most of the religious-based attacks in the U.S. are attacks on Jews. Report anti-Jewish incidents using these resources.