Feliks Jaremek, a collabor in Krasnystaw.
This listing is incomplete. It is based on various accounts, including the Yizkor book testimonies from the communities.
S.S. in Annopol
unknown Huntusch or Hantasch*
Max Hoffs (born 05.19.1902 in Meseritz) - killed in 1943
Walerian Kubacki*
unknown Lazarszuk*
Wolfgang Maeser (born 07.15.1898 in Dresden) - killed in 1943
unknown Mayerov*
unknown Wrobleski*
S.S. in Bilgoraj
Karl Adam (born 02.17.1899 in Plauen) - killed in 1943
Werner Ansel* (born 1909 in Esslingen am Neckar)
Wilhelm Brunner*
Wladyslaw Duma*
Wilhelm Eckhardt* (born 1897 in Bettenhausen)
Georg Frank*
Michael Gerhardt (born 1899)
Friedrich Keller (born 1903)
Johann Leibeck (born 3.4.1900 in Birkenfeld) - killed Sept. 22, 1942
Georg Majewski (born 10.10.1913 in Gelsenkirchen) - killed in 1944
Michal Pawliszyn*
unknown Pukall*
Heinrich Rathje (born 1914)
Jakob Schwarzwalder*
unknown Stolz*
Johannes van Dollen (born 11.15.1898 in Neunkirchen) - died in 1976 during trial
Reinhold Witt (born 1919)
Michal Zur*
Reserve Police Battalion 67
S.S. in Biskupice & Piaski
Stefan Bec*
Karl Ebeling (born 11.29.1905 in Renda) - 3 years imprisonment
Jozef Franczak*
Aleksander Kolodziejczyk*
Wladyslaw Krysa*
Ernst Kresse*
Jozef Krol*
Stanislaw Rzechot (Rzechota)*
Karl Streibel~
Leon Szulc*
S.S. at Belzec Death Camp
Click here
S.S. at Budzyn Labor Camp
Click here
S.S. in Bychawa/Piotrowice
Mieczyslaw Borysa*
Stanisław Borzechowski*
Stefania Czajka*
Wilhelm Fruske or Friske*
Wladyslaw Gorniak*
Stanisław Jacniacki*
unknown Kelbinski*
Paul Kindler*
unknown Klatt*
Jan Klimek*
Stanislaw Krzesiak*
Wojciech Lipiec*
Antoni Lis*
Pawel Lopucki*
Karl Heinrich "Heinz" Noa (born 10.23.1910 in Erfurt) - 7 years imprisonment
Józef Płozic*
Erhard Rusche*
Kazimierz Rycer*
August Schwergott (Swierkott)*
Peter Steinmetz*
Jozef Szymanski*
David Walter*
Karl Witte*
S.S. in Chelm
Werner "Hans" Ansel
Emil Arndt - executed
Hans Augustyn - killed in 1945
Adelbert Benda*
Hermann Benzler*
unknown Berger*
Artur Bernat (Bernard)* from Silesia
Stanislaw Betiuk*
Max Beulich or Max Bielas*
unknown Braunmiller*
Ludwig Bruckner*
Wlodzimierz Breczko*
Ernst Busch - sentenced to death
Max Cichtski/Chichotsky (aka Max Runhof)
unknown Dietrich*
unknown Dolmer* from Vienna
Alfred Eggert (born 5.6.1902 in Pleiskammer) - killed Mar. 7, 1944
Kurt Engels - committed suicide
unknown Fisher*
Claus Harms (born 7.30.1903 in Flensburg)
Gerhard or Erhard Hager*
Walter Hess (born 1908) - 4 years imprisonment
Paul Karl Franz Heilig (born 2.27.1910 in Berlin-Spandau)
Franz Holzheimer* (from Hanover)
unknown Horn*
Henryk Janczuk*
Werner Kalmus*
Stanislaw Koltun* (Volksdeutsche)
Johannes Krauz or Kraus*
Erich Karl Kronberger - 14 years imprisonment
Alexis Kruger (Krueger) - died in 1943
Erich Lange or Langer*
Hans Leithold (born 9.1.1908 in Berlin) - killed Mar. 7, 1944
Karl Leistikow or Leistiko - committed suicide
Stanislaw Lejman*
Stanislaw Lewandowski*
Michal Lusiak*
Karl Mallon - hanged in 1945
Rolf Mauer or Mauser*
Anton Mueller (born 11.4.1908 in Reichenau) - 5 years imprisonment
Stanislaw Nadolski or Nelkowski*
Hugo Raschendorfer - life imprisonment
Adolf Reinert (Reinelt/Reiner)*
Hermann Rohlfing
unknown Schlesinger (Szlesinger)*
Emmanuel Schafer* (Volksdeutsche)
Konrad Schloegl
Eduard Schmidt aka Edward Schmitt*
Erich Scholz* (born 1891)
unknown Selch*
Edward Shutt - executed
Bernhard Staszek (Staschek)*
unknown Steinert*
Willy Stoffel* from Ostrava
(tortured female prisoners)
Rudolf Rudi Theimer (born 12.26.1913 in Marienberg, Czechoslovakia/Austria)
(A witness pinpoints Teimer, Schmidt, and Raschendorfer as responsible for the Himmelkommando in Borek near Chelm, in which nearly 50,000 bodies were placed. Included were: 8,000 Italian soldiers, 10,000 Jewish women, 2,000 other Jews, and 25,000 Red soldiers.)unknown Urban*
unknown Walther*
unknown Weiss*
Jan Wielebski*
Stefan Wielebski (in Ruta Huta, killed a Jewish woman)
S.S. in Cycow
(Note: Also participated in Chelm County.)
unknown Benke*
Otto Brandenburg*
unknown Gulhorn*
unknown Hajzyk*
Otto Kanwischer*
Paul Kindler*
unknown Kirschner*
Erwin Kramer*
Adolf Loeve (Löwe)*
unknown Lorenc*
Gottfried Schmidt*
unknown Wanut*
unknown Winkowski*
S.S. at Dorohucza Camp
Click here
S.S. in Frampol
Czeslaw Klosowski*
Jan Ksiazek*
Pawel Malyszek*
Stanislaw Malyszka (Matysza)*
Stanislaw Olik*
Kazimierz Ozga*
Jan Pajak*
Wawrzyniec Pyzik*
Paulin Zdunek*
S.S. in Grabowiec
Josef Fieback*
Nazis in Hrubieszow. Can anyone identify them? Contact us if you can.
S.S. in Hrubieszow
Oleks / Alex (unknown)*
(Note: This man spoke Yiddish.)
Johann Ackermann*
Helmut Altmann* (born 1902)
unknown Astman*
Dr. Walter Behrend(t)*
Karl Beier* (born 30.06.1919)
Julian Rudolf Betcher - died in 1949
Otto Busse - committed suicide
Max Cichtski/Chichotsky (aka Max Runhof)
Johann Demant (born May 8, 1895 in Kleszczoewen) - life imprisonment (sentence commuted)
August Ebner - (born 11.10.1915 in Saalfelden) - killed 1.13.1943 in Moryniec Forests
Curt Englaender
Karl Hermann or Heinrich Franke*
unknown Gerchow* (Hans Girtzig?)
unknown Grosser
Paul Groth*
Gerhard Hacker (born 10.12.1912 in Schrotz) - died in 1950
Ferdinand Hahnzog*
unknown Henig* (Hening von Winterfeld?) (Commander of the Gendarmerie)
unknown Heitmuller*
unknown Kiel*
Arnold Klaus*
(Responsible for the deaths of 3,000 Jews near the Bug River bet. Nov. 1941 and July 20, 1944)
Karl Knauer* (born 5.27.1885)
Karl Kohler*
Josef Kraml*
Josef Laska*
Wladyslaw Martyniuk*
Karl Matulka*
Wilhelm Meyer - 3 years imprisonment
Hermann Muller (possibly Johannes Muller)*
Gustav Nagel (born 11.3.1914 in Bolkenhain) - killed in 1944
Richard Nitschke - 5 years imprisonment
Konrad Obermuller*
unknown Otto*
Borys Ozol*
Wladyslaw Oczerek*
Alfred Pfisterer* (born 1903 in Kochersteinsfeld)
Fritz Pietsch*
Ludwig Pilles*
Adolf Pohlmann - killed in 1945 in Breslau
(Note: Pohlmann was involved in the Chelm-Hrubieszow death march. Probably the same as Adolf Bohlmann.)
Ferdinand Radtke - killed in 1943
Wilhelm Ranitzsch*
Konrad Rimpler - died in 1946
unknown Ritzka*
Arthur Rosenow - died in 1952
Hermann Sasse* (born 11.11.12)
Fritz Sauermann*
Eberhard Schafer - 15 years imprisonment
unknown Schistel*
Karl Scholz*
Johann Stifter*
Max Stoebner (Stybner) - 9 years imprisonment
Dr. Harry Georg Sturm (from Estonia) - 12 years imprisonment
unknown Thalwitzer*
Richard Thomalla - executed
Werner Thunak - died in 1951
Karl Vielweib (born 1.6.1896 in Munchen) - killed in 1944
Eberhard (Bernhard) von Loewen - died in 1944
Hans or Johann or Otto Wagner - killed circa 1945
Adolf Waldner - 12 years imprisonment
unknown Weinreither*
Josef Weissmann*
unknown Wiedermann* (Gestapo Commandant)
S.S. in Izbica
Kurt Engels - committed suicide
Ludwik Klemm (Volksdeutsche) - committed suicide
Julian Krauss*
Stanislaw Krauss*
Henryk or Heinrich Krolikowski*
Feliks Matys*
(tortured civilians, organized round-ups and was sending them to forced labor in Reich, conducted searchings and robbed belongings of the arrested)
Johann Jan Schulz (Volksdeutsche) - killed in 1943
S.S. at Janiszow Labor Camp
Peter Ignat - killed by partisans
S.S. in Jozefow near Bilgoraj
The Hamburg Reserve Police Battalion 101 participated in the mass extermination of Jozefow's Jewish community. The battalion departed Hamburg on 21.06.1942 with a total of 11 officers, 5 administrators, and 486 men, i.e. a total of 502 men. The battalion was divided into a battalion staff and three companies. The battalion was led by Major Wilhelm Trapp. Two of the companies were commanded by captains, the third by a lieutenant. In addition to the small company staffs, each company was composed of three platoons. Generally, two of the three platoons were led by lieutenants and the third by a non-commissioned officer. The platoons were further divided into groups of about ten men, with a non-commissioned officer in charge. The battalion was lightly armed, having only four machine guns per company to augment the rifles that its men carried. The battalion had its own transport, which included trucks and, for conducting patrols, bicycles. Among those who partook:
Commander: Major Wilhelm "Papa" Trapp (executed 1948)
Adjutant Lieutenant Haalck
1st Company: Captain Julius Wohlauf (born 1913, 8 year sentence, died 2002)
1st Company after November 1, 1942: Captain Steidtmann
1st Platoon: Second Lieutenant Boysen
2nd Platoon: Second Lieutenant (Reserve) Heinz Buchmann
(Note: Buchmann asked to be re-assigned because he did not want to murder Jews.)
3rd Platoon: Zugwachmeister Junge
2nd Company: Lieutenant Hartwig Gnade (born 1894)
2nd Company after June 1943: Lieutenant Dreyer or Greyer
1st Platoon: Second Lieutenant Schurer
2nd Platoon: Second Lieutenant (Reserve) Kurt Dreyer or Greyer (born 1910; 8 year sentence)
3rd Platoon: Hauptwachmeister Starke
3rd Company: Captain Wolfgang Hoffman (born 1914, 8 year sentence)
3rd Company after December 1942: Unknown
1st Platoon: Second Lieutenant Pauly
2nd Platoon: Second Lieutenant Hachmeister
3rd Platoon: Hauptwachmeister Juckmann
Others: A doctor named Schoenfelder; Toni Anton Bentheim; and Heinrich Steinmetz
In 1968 the Hamburg District Court (Landgericht Hamburg) established the following in reference to the entire battalion's first action in the Jozefow area: "The battalion commander Major Wilhelm Trapp addressed the battalion. He explained the mission to the men. He made it plain that all Jews in the town were to be shot. He told the men to think of their women and children at home who had to endure aerial bombardment, many of whom would lose their lives. At the end of his address, Trapp announced that those elder members of the battalion who did not feel up to the mission should step forward. Around 11 troops did step forward.
The evacuation commandos of the 1st and 2nd companies had the mission of driving together all the inhabitants of the Jewish quarter, who could walk, into the market square. The uniformed police (Schutzpolizei) forced their way into, and searched the houses. The Jews were collected from the unloading point by the execution commandos. Each individual rifleman picked a new victim from the row of waiting victims and accompanied him to the place of execution. There, the Jews had to lie down facing the ground. They were killed with a rifle shot in the back of the head. The mission was completed by the late afternoon. The Hamburg court found that the killings in Jozefow were carried out willingly and consciously in that each rifleman sought out and killed his own victim.
S.S. in Komarow
Heinrich Schoenemann (born 6.2.2019) - 15 years imprisonment
Ferdinand Schwabe (born 08.28.1914) - 15 years imprisonment
S.S. in Krasnik & Janow Lubelski
(See also: Budzyn/Krasnik Nazis)
Hans Adolf Asbach
Hans Ernst Paul Augustyn*
Erich Augustin (born 12.22.1900 in Pyritz) - died in 1945
(Note: May be the same as Hans Augustyn.)
Wilhelm Becker*
unknown Bensch*
Wojciech Bochniak - 6 years imprisonment
Willi Bornemann*
Antoni Daniszewski*
Jan Dudek*
Zygmunt Dybowski*
Adolf Dzik*
Max Eugen Wilhelm Ehrle - died in 1948
unknown Fajgs
Herbert Kurt Franke*
(Note: May be the same Franke that participated in Hrubieszow.)
Jerzy Fratczak - life imprisonment
Anton Fraunholz*
unknown Georgi*
Gustav Hermann Heinrich Hanelt*
(Note: Hanelt was born 21.09.1914 in Schmachthagen)
Wilhelm Heinrich (born 6.24.1902 at Rippershausen) - killed Apr. 19, 1943
Jozef Janus*
Max Junker - likely killed
Fritz Kalich (born 7.1.1892)
unknown Klein*
unknown Krener*
Alfred Kretschmar* (born 9.9.1912 in Thalheim)
Friedrich Wilhelm Kruger - committed suicide
Franciszek Kupczynski*
Hans Jacob Lauffs - 5 years imprisonment
Hans Lenk - killed in 1944
Max Loquens (born 8.26.1906)
unknown Majke*
unknown Meizen*
Eugeniusz Mikolajewicz - 15 years imprisonment
Dr. Mosbach (or Mutersbach)*
Herbert Naumann*
Hans Offermann - 5 years imprisonment
Stanislaww Pazik
Alfred Pfisterer* (born 1903 in Kochersteinsfeld)
Ferdinand Pilzweger*
unknown Prems*
unknown Pronenberg*
Wiktor Pryk*
Friedel Rau*
Jan Rubaj*
Johann Scheuerer*
unknown Schlesinger*
Gottfried Schmidt*
Edward Schmitt*
unknown Schulz*
unknown Schwenk*
(Note: Possibly Fritz Schwenke)
Edward Shutt or Schmidt - executed
Nikolaus Sick (born 5.6.1915 in Flensburg) - died in 1946
Jan Staniec*
Johann Stanzig* (born 5.6.1911 in Marburg)
Siegmund Stegmann - executed
Otto Strossenreuther*
Karl Streibel~
Jozef Szubartowski*
Adam Ulrich*
Karl Herbert Ulbrich*
unknown Voss*
unknown Walasiuk (aka Jan Lanc)*
Henning von Winterfeld - killed in 1945
Andrzej Wojcik*
Kurt Zeeh*
S.S. in Krasnobrod
Kurt Dreyer - 8 years
Maximilian Zillenbiller - executed
S.S. in Krasnystaw
Jan Bernat*
Kurt Engels - committed suicide
Wilhelm Geisenhof*
Hartmut Gerstenhauer*
Jozef Grochecki*
Claus Harms (born 7.30.1903 in Flensburg)
Aleksander Hodon/Hodun/Chodon*
Feliks Jaremek*
Fritz Kalich (born 7.1.1892)
Ludwig Klem (Klemm)*
Damazy Kondracki*
Jan Kotula*
Jozef Mach*
Gustav Menzel*
Stanislaw Mikula*
Teodor Piele*
Rudolf Rieger - executed
unknown Schevior*
Adolf Schmidt*
Johann Scheuerer*
Karl Schwarzer*
Jan Sysa*
Stanislaw Sysa*
Franciszek Szestowicki*
Wladyslaw Szpotowski*
Leon Szymanski*
Claus Volkmann
Franciszek Wiacek*
Henning von Winterfeld - killed in 1945
Jan Wrona*
Edward Wrona*
Stanislaw Wrona*
S.S. in Leczna
unknown Becker*
Boleslaw Chodun*
Stanislaw Dzal*
Kurt Engels - committed suicide
unknown Milke*
Aleksander Przypis*
unknown Wilczek*
Emil Ziegenmayer*
Gendarmerie Battalion I (motorized) - commanded by Erich Schwieger
S.S. in Lubartow
Mieczyslaw Ciolek*
Georg Fischer (born Sept. 14, 1902 in Altenbruslar - killed Aug. 14, 1943)
Henryk Gotowalski*
Julius Janke*
Julius Kittel*
Paul Kindler*
Reinhard Lorenz*
Jozef Mueller
(mayor of Lubartow who tortured civilians, organized round-ups, and sent prisoners to forced labor)Kurt Reichelt or Reichel*
Fritz Schmiege*
Ernst Seydel - killed in 1944
Peter Steinmetz*
David Walter*
Karl Witte*
Henning von Winterfeld (born 8.6.1901 in Krieschow) - killed in 1945
S.S. in Michow
Nikolaus Baltes*
Emil Buchholz*
Georg Mende*
S.S. in Niedrzwica Duza
Friedrich Ahrens*
Tomasz Kubot*
Peter Steinmetz*
Friedrich Fritz Thomke - executed in 1960
Wincenty Witko (from Ukraine) - 7 years imprisonment
Czeslaw Zgorski*
S.S. at Osowa
Johann Beike*
S.S. in Opole Lubelskie
Horst Goede*
unknown Krzyzalewski *
unknown Porebski*
unknown Rucinski *
Antoni Siembida *
Jan Siembida*
Jozef Siembida*
Wladyslaw Siembida*
Wladyslaw Szkutnik *
Tadeusz Zabkiewicz
S.S. in Ostrow Lubelski
Hans Cygan*
unknown Arn - killed before 1945
S.S. in Parczew & Radzyn Podlaski
Fritz Adolf Fischer*
Heinz Rieck (Reich)*
S.S. in Piaski
Bazyl / Bazyli Klaczuk* (from Ukraine)
Walter Prochnow*
S.S. at Poniatowa Camp
Click here
S.S. in Pulawy
Piotr Adamczyk*
Maximilian Beigart/Belgart (born 1917 in Thorn) - sentenced to death
Franciszek Birbach*
Alfred Brandt (born 5.18.1895 in Walsee) - shot by USSR in 1945
Kazimierz Brankiewicz*
Stanislaw Czopek*
Szymon Dros*
Walenty Halas*
Claus Harms (born 7.30.1903 in Flensburg)
Julian Kordas*
Stefan Kowalski*
Antoni Kozlowski*
Franciszek Koziej*
Jozef Kramek*
Aleksander Lagda*
Wladysaw Lalak*
Alfred Langerhaus*~
(Participation in the shootings of 26,000 Jews in Lublin; talked about it during Jan. 1, 1944 to witness, Josef Schyska, from Hammelwoerden)
unknown Miedbrodt*
Jan Mierzwinski*
Jan Olejnik*
August Philippi*
Seweryn Piekarski*
Boleslaw Podgajny*
Lorenz Reinhardt*
(Responsible for deportations of Jews; persecuted Polish and Jewish civilians during round-ups)
Oskar Renger*
Wladyslaw Samonek*
Antoni Sciach*
Wladyslaw Sidor*
Boleslaw Smiech*
Kazimierz Szyndler*
Bernard Szyszka*
Friedrich Trampedach*
Piotr Turos*
Julian Zadolek*
S.S. in Rachanie
unknown Olszewski*
unknown Rogalski*
S.S. in Rejowiec
unknown Astar
unknown Bayko* (28 years old)
Eugen Grimmeisen*
unknown Hilvert*
Gustav Jeski*
unknown Layis
Johann Loeffler* (from Mittelsdorf near Stollberg)
Tadeusz Osmolski*
Ostar Peter (Otto Peter?)
Herbert Schoenfeldt
S.S. in Sawin
Teodor Ondyk or Ondyt, aka Theodor Ontyd (from Mittelsdorf near Stollberg)
S.S. in Siedlieszce (and Bezek-Kolonia)
Michal Gregoruk*
Aleksandra Mrozowska - acquitted
S.S. in Szczebrzeszyn
unknown Babiarz*
unknown Borotzki*
Johann Dummert*
unknown Freimeier (Frymer)*
Tadeusz Golebiowski
Michal Golebiowski
Jan Golebiowski
Stanislaw Hajduczak (Haik)*
unknown Kercher*
unknown Kraus*
unknown Maier/Meyer*
Wladyslaw Malysz (Matysz)
Jan Malysz (Matysz)
Stanislaw Majewski* from Bilgoraj
unknown Marunowski*
unknown Pritzing*
Jan Siering (Syring) - executed
S.S. at Sobibor Camp
Click here
S.S. in Tarnogrod
Karl Höhne*
S.S. in Tomaszow Lubelski
Erwin Beier*
Willi Bornemann*
Kurt Doerge / Dorge - killed
Michael Eich*
Friedrich Gerkemeier*
Balthasar Hofmann*
Wladyslaw Kawalec
Wladyslaw Klimski
unknown Kubin*
Franciszek Kuzniar
unknown Linkier*
unknown Matuszkiewicz - killed
Josef Mayer*
Andrzej Mazurek
Walter Panzer* (or Anzer)
Ignacy Perczak*
unknown Prokoff*
Alois Rittelman*
unknown Sierpinski - killed
Bronislaw Smiech
Tadeusz Stawarski
Adela Tymińska
S.S. at Trawniki Camp
Click here
S.S. in Turobin
unknown Bauer*
Geniek Brankovic*
S.S. in Tyszowce
Albert Bar*
Anna Bednarek
Jan Bednarek
Antoni Cieslik
Karl Ebeling (born 11.29.1905 in Renda) - 3 years imprisonment
Robert Golke - 15 years imprisonment
Leon Jablonski
Stefan Lepecki
Wladyslaw Machomet
Tadeusz Rak
Ernst Heinrich Schulz (born Oct. 1920)
Otto Volkmann*
Tadeusz Zdyb
Jan Zielinski
Johann Zrenner*
S.S. in Uchanie
Jakob Wisniewski*
S.S. in Wlodzimierz Volynski (Ludmir)
Heinz Biesold*
Albrecht Boryszewski *
Wilhelm Braune*
Aleksander Brechivski*
Walter Entrich
Hermann Erichsen*
Willibald Faust*
Dr. Greinwald*
Eduard Grigat*
Wladyslaw Gruberuk (aka Grubenik)*
Adolf Einhorn*
Simno Kloster*
unknown Krause
E. Kumming*
Dr. Rolf Carl Hecker*
Hans Hobert*
I. Leskovsky*
S. Maksymuk*
Aleksander Orzechowski*
Gerhard Pockrandt*
Heinrich Schone*
T. Sokhatsky*
Friedrich Wilhelm Westerheide (born circa 1909)
N. Zaichuk*
Johanna Altvater Zelle (born circa 1920)
103rd Ukranian Police Battalion based in Matseiv (Lukiv), Turii district
S.S. in Wlodawa
Werner "Hans" Ansel
Hans Augustin - killed in 1945
Reinhold Bozeniusz - executed
Willi Delius (born 1896) - likely killed
(involved in the shooting of Jews at the Adampol Labor Camp)
Daniel Dziadko* (from Ukraine)
Bernhard Falkenberg
(Note: He's listed as among the Righteous Among the Nations at Yad Vashem.)
Luitpold Fuhrmann - 2 years imprisonment
(Leading the squad of gendarmes who were rushing Jews to Sobibor in 1942)
Vanya Georgi* (from Ukraine)
(Oversaw some of the property destruction of Jews in Wlodawa.)
unknown Groh*
unknown Grim or Grimm*
unknown Gutsche*
Jozef Jowik - executed
unknown Hammer*
Julian Kelm*
(accused of killing people of unknown number in Horodyszcze, the County of Włodawa in 1941 and then, in Rossok)
unknown Knauf*
Alois Lanz*
Anton Mueller (born 11.4.1908 in Reichenau) - 5 years imprisonment
Richard Nitschke - 5 years imprisonment
Gerhard Gerd Rossberger* (born 17.1.1914, died 1970s)
Adolf Schaub - 2 years imprisonment
Josef Schmidt - 3 years imprisonment
Josef Schmidt*
Hubert Schoenborn - committed suicide
Wilhelm Willy Selinger*
Michal Soltysiak*
unknown Stroyholtz/Strojholz*
Jozef Turas*
(collaborated with German gendarmerie in the seizing of hiding Jews)
S.S. in Wysokie
Hermann Rogin*
(Responsible for transporting Jews from Sitaniec and Wysokie to Zamosc
on Sept. 8, 1941 and Dec. 6, 1942)
S.S. in Zaklikow/Modliborzyce
Wilhelm Bekier*
unknown Kleber*
unknown Majke*
Franciszek Moszczynski*
(Commander of the German police)
unknown Schwenk*
S.S. in Zamosc/Zwierzyniec
Ryszard or Richard Barda*
(Murdered at least 300 Jews.)
Erwin Beier*
Artur Bernat (Bernard)* from Silesia
Adalbert Berninger (born 6.28.1898 in Crepaja, Serbia) - life imprisonment, died 1954
Julian Betcher - 10 years imprisonment
Else Betke (also listed as Herta Belke) - executed
Hans Block - died in 1944
Adolf Bohlmann (born 4.27.1899 in Berlin) - killed in 1945 in Breslau
Karl G. Buck - killed in 1939
Hermann Dolp - killed before 1946
unknown Emersleben*
(note: Probably Ludolf von Alvensleben)
unknown Essel* from Austria
Robert Fekle*
unknown Fritz (Fritsche)* from Wroclaw/Breslau
Herbert Genz - killed in 1944
Paul Gustav Giebe (born 07.26.1892 in Dresden) - 6 years imprisonment
Julius Gloe*
Robert Golke*
(during 1942-1943, serving as a German Gendarme, participated in the murders of Jews and soviet prisoners of war)
unknown Heimann*
Franz Herold - killed by partisans in Siedliska in 1943
unknown Hubner (Huebner)
Max Junker - likely killed
unknown Kettman* from Berlin
Otto Kimmereit* (sp?)
unknown Kirsch*
unknown Klukecki*
Robert Kolb (Kalb) - killed in 1945
Kurt Korda*
Karl Kothe* (born 8.17.1887)
Walter Kott*
Alexis Kruger (Krueger) - died in 1943
Hermann Krumey - life imprisonment
Heinrich Kuhlman* (Kullmann)
(persecuted laborers in Borawienia near Zamosc during 1941-1945 and murdered Jews in Zamosc)
Heinrich Langenkaemper*
unknown Liper or Lipper*
Peter Paul Lucht*
Bruno Meiert (aka Ulrich Schlichting)
Hellmut Milling*
unknown Neuberger*
Kazimierz Olecht or Ulecht
Walther Olsen*
Hans Pinkowski*
(Note: Hans Pienkowski was also the chief at the Janowice Labor Camp. He was born in Oberhausen.)
Josef Pyska*
unknown Reibenshein*
Oskar Reichwein*
Herman Rogin
unknown Rohlman (Rohlmann)* (Note: Could also be Adolf Bohlmann.)
unknown Schmidt*
Kurt Gotthard Schubert (born 1913 in Honigern) - 6 years imprisonment
Ernst Heinrich Schulz
Hans Jurgen Schulz - died in 1948
Alois Schwerhoff (Schauerhaf)* (born 1912 in Reken)
Jan Siering - executed
Anton Stach*
Feliks Szyper*
Jan Tyndorf*
Willy Voigt*
Max Vogl (Vogel)*
Helmut Weihenmaier*
Karl Weissenborn/Weisenborn*
Erich Wendland - died in 1961
unknown Wiegand*
unknown Winkel*
H. Maksymilian Zelenbiller - executed
(Participated in aktions in Bondyrz and Susiec near Zamosc bet. Oct. 1942 and March 1943)
S.S. in Zolkiewka
Wladyslaw Kopto or Kopta*
Wilhelm Kruse*
Jan Smyk*
Karolina Smyk*
S.S. in Zwierzyniec
Ignacy Kulik - killed
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