Remember Jewish Krasnobrod
The first Jewish settlers in Krasnobrod were recorded in 1576. They developed a synagogue, beit haMidrash, and cemetery. In the first half of the 19th century, the Hasidic movement was thriving in Krasnobrod. A few Hasidic schools operated in the town and remained under the influence of the tzaddiks from Radzyn, Turzysk, Gora Kalwara and Belz.
After the outbreak of the First World War, a substantial number of men from Krasnobrod were conscripted to the Russian army. In this period some groups of the Jewish people left the town to find work. In the 1920s and 1930s the majority of Jews in Krasnobrod lived by trading and crafts but also farming, leasing, and financial operations. A few Jewish families also rendered services to the local and holiday tourists. In 1919 and 1920, some riots directed against the Jewish population took place. During the Polish-Russian war, when on Aug. 29, 1920 the Ukrainian troops entered the town, two Jewish inhabitants were killed and another 50 were wounded. The Ukrainian soldiers looted the Jewish property.
During the interwar period, there was a synagogue in the town, two prayer houses, a mikvah, a ritual bath and a cemetery. Numerous cheders functioned in the town and two private schools existed -– Yavne and Tarbut -- run by Zionist organizations. In the 1930s antisemitism started to grow stronger and so was the economic crisis that affected Poland at that time. This led to subsequent migration waves of Jews at the end of the 30s who migrated to Israel.
The Krasnobrod Jewish population in 1939 was between 1,200 and 1,800 Jews. Jewish communities near Krasnobrod included Podklasztor, Suchowola and Zamch, however it is unclear how many Jews lived in these locations.
In Sept. of 1939, the town was bombarded and largely devastated; many Krasnobrod citizens were killed then, including almost 200 Jews. Upon entering the town by the German army, persecutions of Jewish inhabitants began. They were all crowded in a few houses that survived the air raid and the people subject to the forced labor were hired to tarmac the roads and to clear of rubble of the ruined town. In spring 1940 a group of 32 Jewish workers from Krasnobrod were sent to the east to build fortifications across the border with Russia. Among them were: Leibish Lerner, Itzhak Greenboim, Moshe Greenboim, Ephraim-Ziml Goldberg, Aaron Gershon, Meir Krelman, Moshe Blumstein, Aaron-Laizer Shpeicher, Yosef Shpeicher, and Wolf Tencer. On Dec. 24, 1940, S.S. men who were stationed near Krasnobrod plundered Jewish possessions in large scale. In spring 1941, displaced Jewish people from Lodz and Wloclawek were sent to the Krasnobrod ghetto. The mayor of the town, Katowski, nominated the following for the Judenrat: Yehoshua Babad, Leibl Elbaum, Josef Goldstein, Moshe Greenbojm, Moshe Hus, Yosef Lam, Leibl Lerner, David Levenfuss, Fishel Szlegel, Berl Szuch (Szac), Hersh Szuch (Szac), Szija Wexler.
The ghetto dissolution started early in the summer of 1942 during Shavuot. The gestapo executed a few members of the Judenrat at that time. All the Jews from the town were gathered in the building behind the Dominican monastery and then transported in train cars to the Belzec Death Camp. A few brave souls escaped back to their houses in town, however the S.S. came back to the town in July and burnt all the houses where Jews were hiding, resulting in additional deaths.
On Oct. 26, 1942, the remaining Jewish inhabitants of Krasnobrod were shot by a firing squad and the Germans transported a part of them to Zamosc. In February 1943 the Germans conducted a large-scale action to catch all the Jews hiding in the nearby forests and agricultural farms. The Nazis also destroyed the synagogue and the cemetery in Krasnobrod, Poland.
Please review the site content below. Zachor - We Remember.
[Krasnobrod Yizkor Book (Hebrew)]
[Yizkor Book - English Translation]
[Krasnobrod Jewish cemetery]
[Jewish Partisans in Poland's Lublin District]
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Town of Krasnobrod:
coming soon
Rabbis of Krasnobrod:
- Moshe Menachem Mendel Spivak
- Moshe Borg
- Nachum Faigenbaum
- Avraham Freund
- Mordko Gurtler
- Menachem “Monish” Margules
- Zvi Yecheszkel Michalson (1885-1893)
- Zvi Hirsz Minz, died 1772
- Meir Sustzek
- Moshe Soifer
- Yitzchak Szlesinger
- Meir Zylberman
Holocaust Survivors of Krasnobrod:
- Szlomo Babat
- Aron Borg
- Avraham Borg
- Gitla Borg
- Hantsie Borg
- Moshe Aryeh Borg
- Shabtai Borg
- Shike Borg
- Yitzhak Borg
- Hersh Brener
- Nathaniel Brener
- (unknown) Davidowitz
- Helen Elbaum
- David Elbaum
- Hena Sarah Elbaum
- Mira Frymerman
- Moniek Frymerman
- Ester Kam Glickman
- Shmuel Gurtler
- Yocheved Gurtler Nuss
- Gitla Knobel Belman
- Miriam Kopel Blumenthal
- Seymor Kupitz
- Rivka Lam Burstein
- Risza Lerer
- Esther Lewinson Lerner
- Froim Lochfeld
- Yakov Lochfeld
- Mordechai Perel
- Reisel Perel
- Rechel Perel
- Elimelech (Meilach) Perel
- Abraham Rajf
- Mordechai Rapoport
- Eliyahu Rind
- Shmuel Sam Rind
- Moshe Untzig (Uncyk)
- Tera Wajsblat
- Shlomo Zonszajn
- Jewish Records Indexing Poland - Krasnobrod
- Jewish Vital Records in the Polish State Archives
Remember Your Family:
- Central Judaica Database - Museum of History of Polish Jews
- Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors on Facebook
- Guide to the YIVO Archives
- Holocaust News/Events from Generations of the Shoah Int'l
- Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database
- JewishGen Family Finder
- JewishGen Holocaust Database
- JRI-Poland: Search for Your Family
- Museum of History of Polish Jews Introduction
- Yad Vashem: Search for Your Family
- Yad Vashem: Submit Names of Your Family Members
- Yad Vashem Requests Photos of Shoah Survivors and Families