Schmaltz Family Genealogy (Scheibenhard, Alsace, France)
If you see any connections in the below, please contact us.
Surnames of those in our direct ancestral line appear in BOLD.
Descendants of Barthel Schmaltz
1 Barthel Schmaltz b: Abt. 1650 in France d: unknown
… + (unknown) (unknown)
…………. 2 Leonard Schmaltz b: 1679 in Scheibenhard, France d: Jan. 25, 1739 in Scheibenhard, Bas-Rhin, Alsace, France
……………..+ Anne Marie Schiesling b: Abt. 1688 in Schaidt, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany m: Nov. 4, 1710 in Lauterbourg, France
………………. d: 1735 in Scheibenhard
………………………..3 Barbara "Barbe" Schmaltz b: 1655 in Scheibenhard d: Nov. 2, 1737 in Scheibenhard, France
…………………………. + Sebastien Gabriel b: Abt. 1650 in Scheibenhard d: Jan. 16, 1737 in Scheibenhard
....……………………………….. 4 Eve Marie Gabriel b: Dec. 1, 1669 in Scheibenhard d: unknown
.........……………………………….. + Johann Jacob Hemmerle b: in Lauterbourg, France m: Nov. 16, 1693 in Scheibenhard
.........………………………………….. [click here for more on this family line]
....……………………………….. 4 Marie Madeleine Gabriel b: 1673 in Scheibenhard d: unknown
.........……………………………….. + Johann Sontag m: May 14, 1691 in Scheibenhard
.........………………………………….. [click here for more on this family line]
....……………………………….. 4 Sebastien Gabriel b: Abt. 1679 in Scheibenhard d: Aug. 8, 1689 in Scheibenhard
....……………………………….. 4 Andreas Gabriel b: Oct. 6, 1680 in Scheibenhard m: Aug. 13/18, 1703 in Salmbach
.........………………………………. d: 1733 or 1734 in Scheibenhard, France
.........……………………………….. + Elisabeth Hoffmann b: 1692/1685 in Salmbach d: April 12, 1753 in Scheibenhard
........…………………………………... [click here for more on this family line]
....……………………………….. 4 Nicolaus Gabriel b: Aug. 29, 1683 in Scheibenhard d: Aug. 20, 1689 in Scheibenhard
....……………………………….. 4 Georg Gabriel b: May 1, 1687 in Scheibenard d: Oct. 28, 1689 in Scheibenhard
The Schmaltz family was Roman Catholic and lived in the region of Alsace, France.
Descriptions of the towns of ancestors in the line follow. Scheibenhard is located in the province of Alsace in the region of Bas Rhin. It had a population of 651 persons in 1792; the current population is around 500. Schaidt (Shedes) is located seven miles east northeast of Wissembourg in the Palatinate (north of Alsace, France). Lauterbourg is the closest town on the Alsace border with Germany. The town population in 1792 was 1,964 and the present population is 2,372. Salmbach is located in the province of Alsace in the region of Bas Rhin. It had a population of 1,040 citizens in 1792. Its present population is under 500.
The surname Schmaltz is derived from the Middle High German smalz meaning tallow, grease, or fat--and hence a metonymic occupational name for a chandler (candlemaker). The surname Gabriel is derived from the Hebrew personal name Gavriel, meaning "God has given me strength." The surname Hoffmann was a status name for a steward on a farm or estate and is derived from the German hoff, meaning manorfarm or courtyard + mann meaning man. Originally, this was a status name for a farmer who owned his own land (as opposed to holding it by rent or feudal obligation), but the name soon came to denote the manager or steward of a manor farm.
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